tump line, a leather strap that runs across the forehead and down the back, for carrying loads; the paired phrase, "huictli mecapalli," the hoe, the tumpline, was a reference to the work of commoner males (see attestations)
Cuix in, yquac aca omomiquili in àço mohuayolqui in áço, oc çe tlacatl, cuix Ayatl, piçietl, mecapilli, tomin, atl, tlaqualli, oanquihuicaltique, in ipan oanquitocaque, oanquiquimiloque in amo oquima in teopixqui? = When someone died- perhaps your relative or maybe some other person- did you accompany, bury and wrap each one of them up with henequen cloaks, tobacco, tumplines, sandals, money, water, food, [and all] unbeknownst to the priest?
njman ie ic qujmecapallotia, qujmemecapallotia = Thereupon they took up [each bundle] in a tump line; they took them up in tump lines. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
mecapalnamacac in itequiuh melio = The tump-line sellers' tax is ½ tomín (Coyoacan, mid-sixteenth century)
cuix ic oppa niquittaz y nohuic y nomecapal = Am I a second time to look for my digging stick and my tump line? (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
Cioacoatl tequanj: yoan tetzaujtl, tetetzaujanj, icnoiutl qujteittitia: ca mjtoaia, victli mecapalli, qujtemacaia, ic temotlaia. = The savage Snake-woman (Ciuacoatl), ill-omened and dreadful, brought men misery. For it was said: “She giveth men the hoe and trump-line. Thus she forceth men {to work}.” (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
Cuix in, yquac aca omomiquili in àço mohuayolqui in áço, oc çe tlacatl, cuix Ayatl, piçietl, mecapilli, tomin, atl, tlaqualli, oanquihuicaltique, in ipan oanquitocaque, oanquiquimiloque in amo oquima in teopixqui? = Por ventura quando murio alguno, o tu pariente, ò otro qualquiera enterrasteslo, echandole e la sepultura manta de Nequen, piciete, mecapal, çapatos, dineros, comida, y veuida, y todo á escusas de vuestro Ministro?