an agave (maguey) field (see attestations)
metl (agave plant) + milli (field)
oc çe memiltontli quipie çenpohualquahuitl yc huiyac yc patlahuac Caxtolquahuitl = another little maguey field measuring 20 quahuitl long and 15 quahuitl wide
(Santa Bárbara Xolalpan, Toluca Valley, 1701)
A "sihuapili," doña Clara Leonor, is selling "y noxolal y nomemil," (which the translator calls a "solar de tierra con mageial"); and later she refers to "yni memili." She is getting 45 pesos which she needs to get her husband out of jail. The document of sale is made in the "Billa Tolucan."(Calimaya/Tepemaxalco, Toluca Valley, 1718 or later)