a month; moon; crescent (see Karttunen and Lockhart); see also our entry for metztli meaning the leg of an animal or a person (and see Molina)
Auh in iquac uel ompoliuh, mitoa: ommic in metzli. = And when he had completely disappeared, it was said: "The moon hath died." (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
teopa tlaxcalchihualistli yey metzintli = baking at the church for three months (Durango, late-sixteenth century)
Yhuan yn ypan in omoteneuh meztli miyequintin atlan micque yn matlanhuique macehualtin = and in the aforementioned month many commoners [indigenous people] died in the water and drowned. (Mexico City, 1600–1630)
mani meztli = in the month of
Auh niman ic hualmoma yn metztli. octubre. = Then came the month of October. (early seventeenth century, central New Spain)
mestli oqualoc = There was a lunar eclipse.
amo çan yc ye quimoneneuilia in tonatiuh in metztli = not even the sun or the moon is equal to her (late sixteenth century, Central Mexico)
Ca yn itlanextilliztzin Ca quicenpannahuia yn ixquich. yn necentlanextiliztli yn cenca quipanahuia yn tonatiuh yn metztli = her light completely surpasses all light, it greatly surpasses the sun and the moon (early seventeenth century, Central Mexico)
y yacametz = his nose ornament in the form of a crescent. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
yn quenin huel quimonextiliz. ca yn ihquac. yc ye pehua. ye tlacoҫahuia. in ye mixtlapachoz. yca metztli tonatiuh. yn motenehua ye qualoz. yn ilhuicatl ca nohuiampa mixtli yc tzauhctimanca. acan huel hualnecia = for when the light began to fade and the surface of the sun to be covered by the moon, which is called being eaten, the sky was closed everywhere by clouds, [the sun] could appear nowhere (central Mexico, 1611)
nauhteylhuicapan in yatiuh tonatiuh. auh yn metztli. ca ye yc itech in yatiuh ynic centeylhuicapa. yn huel ye ytech yn quiyahuallohua tlalli = the sun goes in the four[th] heaven, and the moon goes in the first heaven that rotates all around the earth (central Mexico, 1611)
Tonatiw iwan meetstli (El sol y la luna). "Unos hermanos se dan cuenta de que un venado es su padre. Matan al venado y a su madre. Hacen una fogata, se echan en la lumbre y se convierten en sol y luna." (Escuchado en San José Miahuatlán, Ver. Ramírez, 1950, 1–4; Barlow y Ramírez, 1962, 58–61.)
yquac titonalhuaque huel mochi huahuac toctli çe meztica yn amo quiauh = En ese entonces sufrimos una gran sequía. Todas la siembra se secó, durante un mes no llovió (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
siete de marzo de mil quinientos setenta y seis años = yc chicomiluitl mani metztli de março de 1576 años (San Bernabé Iczotitlan, Ocotelulco, 1576)
ynin cahuytl metztli huey miccaylhuitl = en este tiempo, en el mes Huey Miccailhuitl