a hallucinogenic plant
mixitl (noun) = a narcotic plant; see tlapatl
In ticicatinemi, in timeltzotzontinemi: in iuhqui mixitl, in iuhqui tlapatl otiquic. Itechpa mitoa: in aquin ayocmo quicaquiznequi tenontzaliztli = You are panting and beating your breast as if you had drunk a potion of jimson weed. This is said about someone who no longer wishes to listen to admonition.
can mach mjto, ac mach qujto, ac mach qujtocaioti, in mjxitl, in tlapatl in octli = How can it be said? Who can it have been who said it? Who can it have been who referred to pulque as jimson weed? (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
noce qujmjlhvia, mjxitl, tlapatl ilhvil, itequjuh iez, octli qujmocujtlaviz = Or he said to them: "Jimson weed will be his desert, his mission. He will take to pulque" (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
in moqueztlatzinia, in macopiloa, in tocuilehua, in tzatzi, in oyoa; in yuhqui mixitl, in yuhqui tlapatl, in yuhqui uctli, nanacatl in oquic, in oquicua, in aocmo quimati = [y que] como si hubiera bebido o comido la yerba que embriaga, el tlápatl, el pulque, el hongo, ya no entiende (centro de México, s. XVI)