
Principal English Translation: 

to be contrite, humble; also, a name, attested as male in 16th-c. Mexico City (see attestations)

Attestations from sources in English: 

vel mopechtecaia, mocnomatia, mocnotecaia. = they became most humble, most meek, most contrite.
Florentine Codex, eds. and transl., Anderson and Dibble, Book 6, p. 591.

injc timocujtivetziz, ynjc timocnotecaz, timocnomatiz = bear thee to the ground that thou mayest humble thyselff, that thou mayest become meek.
Florentine Codex, eds. and transl., Anderson and Dibble, Book 6, p. 593.

"In a member of the corpus from 1557, a sale of lands by Balthazar Mocnoteca, his wife Marina Papan and others to Diego Yaotl and his wife...."
Barbara M. Mundy, "he Emergence of Alphabetic Writing," The Americas (2020).