the elbow (see Molina and Karttunen)
in nelli mach imolicpitzin, itetepontzin ic tlacҫatinemj, in moca in mopampa = Truly he goeth on elbow, on knee for thee, on thy behalf (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
molicpitl = elbow
tomolicpi = our elbow
uitztic = pointed
iacauitztic = pointed at end
xolochtic = wrinkled
petztic = smooth
totlacҫaia = our place of pushing
tonetlaquechiaia = our place of support
ic teteuilo = with it one is struck [as] with a stone
ic tetopeoalo = with it one is shoved
temolicpiuia = it elbows one
temolicpitopeoa = it shoves one (central Mexico, sixteenth century)