honey, also the drinkable saps and juices of various kinds of plants
(often spelled neuctli; the necuh- neuc- variations are reminiscent of the teuctli/tecuhtli variations)
necutamalli, necutlaxcalli = tamales and tortillas with honey (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
iquac omotlacatilitzino in Sa. ma. yuhquimma neuhctica oauachquiauh nouian cemanauac = when Saint Mary was born, it was as if it drizzled with honey everywhere in the world (late sixteenth century, Central Mexico)
necutli = honey, nectar, syrup
necunamacac = the maguey syrup seller
"In addition to 'octli,' pulque had another aboriginal Nahua name: 'neuctli.'"
meoctli = neuctli = pulque (Milpa Alta, twentieth century)
"nechillatolli . . . atolli mixed with chili and honey." (Central Mexico, 1571–1615)
itzopelica in neuctli = dulzura o en la dulzura de la miel (México, s. XIX)
"Esto en la práctica tuvo por consecuencia, en el caso de muchos vocablos, la aparición de grafías diferentes, como en tecuhtli, 'señor', escrito también teuctli, o en /nekw-tli/ que se escribe neuctli."