
Principal English Translation: 

make an outcry while beating the hand on the mouth (see attestations)

Attestations from sources in English: 

niman ye ic neacomanallo auh in gobernador oc nen quihualito matlapitzallo niman ye ic netenhuiteco tlacahuaco = the people began to riot and the governor cried in vain, “Play music with flutes and wind instruments.”[sic] Then the people came out from the meeting yelling and beating their mouths.
Ezequiel G. Stear, Nahua Horizons: Writing, Persuasion, and Futurities in Colonial Mexico (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2025), 134–135, citing Anales de Juan Bautista, 1582, f. 25v.

Attestations from sources in Spanish: 

netenhuiteco = dan alaridos con la boca y la mano
Códice Florentino, Libro Séptimo, intro. y trad., Juan Carlos Tórrez López, (México: Seminario Permanente de Historiografía Linguística, 2022), p. 34.

See also: