to move; to quake (see attestations); to migrate (see attestatons)
yn ottopo ttePetl popocatzin yn iquac ottopon mochi quiquequenttihuetz y tletl yhuan muchi yn tlaltticpactli oolin = Popocatepetl exploded. When it exploded, fire quickly covered it all, and the whole earth shook
oc sepa Otlalolin ypan sabado yohualtica ypan Ome ora = there was another earthquake. It was at night on Saturday at 2 o’clock
Otlalolin ypan chicuasen ora teotlac = there was an earthquake at 6 o’clock in the afternoon
olini = it moves (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
yzcatqui yn otli ynic ualnenenque yn nonoualca chichimeca ynic ualolinque = He aquí el camino por el cual anduvieron los nonoualca chichimeca cuando migraron (Quauhtinchan, s. XVI)