along the way, on the road, by the road, in the road, in the street, on the ground (see Karttunen and Molina); roads needed to be swept (see attestations); roads were also places where people might congregate when concerned about something (see attestations)
yeica ca cenca titotolinia ca antle neci in totech monequiz yn otlica yn acalco yn tiquazque yvan inic titelaxtlavizque ynic huel motetzinco tacuzque = because we are very poor and do not have what is needed for the journey on the boat nor things to eat nor anything to pay people in order to be able to reach you (Huejotzingo, 1560)
otli (road) + ica (with)
No ioan ic tlanavatia in tlachpanaloz vtlica = Moreover, they also ordered that on the roads there be sweeping. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
Icnopillotl ommomelauh. Iquac mitoa: intla itla uecauhtica onicnixnextili: auh no aca, zan quioalichtequi: anozo cana temac nictlaza otlica = He marched straight to poverty. This is said when I manage to accumulate something after a long time and someone comes along and steals it, or else I throw it away on the road.
mocohuaz catelas matlactli pesustican yehuatl yn no hoome domines ypatiuh yn noca tlatlaz otlica yn icuac motocaz nonacayo = se compren diez pesos de candelas de cera de a dos tomines para que las lleven encendidas los que acompañen mi cuerpo (San Juan Teotihuacan, 1563)
acopa[n] antlachiazque ça[n] na[n]tolozque a[n]tlatlauhtizque tlateochivalcandela anquitlatizque yuha[n] amo yuhqui anquichiuazque in otlica anmomamana y[n] cana ytla mochihua yn oqueh ammoquetza anquitta yhuan tlapa[n]co a[n]momamana yn a[n]mamapilloua. = no lo tomen como agüero, no idolatren y no vean hacia arriba, sólo bajarán la cabeza, harán rogaciones, encenderán velas benditas. Y no vayan hacer como cuando ocurre algo que en el camino se congregan, se paran a mirar y en las azoteas se juntan para estar señalando. (ca. 1582, México)