bend down; bow; govern, guide; press; sit upon (see Molina, Karttunen, and Lockhart); also, to massage (see Sahagún); to kiss (Lockhart)
niman vncā quinmictia, vncan quintlatlatia, aço quincuexcochvitequi anoço quintetepachoa = then they killed them there, they disposed of them, by striking them on the nape of the neck or stoning them.
(Mexico City, sixteenth century)
ohualmopachoque ohualmocentlalique = they were collapsed in upon the center, they were congregated (?) (late seventeenth or early eighteenth century, central Mexico)
otitopachoque = we bowed down (late seventeenth or early eighteenth century, central Mexico)
netlapacholloc = people were caught underneath (early seventeenth century, central New Spain)
yuhqui, yn avcmo iehoatl inic piallo in atl yn tepetl, inic tzitzquillo inic pachollo = it is as if the city is no longer guarded, no longer held, no longer governed (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
qujpachoa in ijti in otztli = she massaged the pregnant woman's abdomen (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
pachoa = to press; to kiss (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
ya nicuito ytletl nima ya nicpitza noconpitz yn tletl nima ya nictotoni ya yn noma yc nicpachotinemi = ya voy por lumbre que le soplo el fuego despues ya calente mi mano ya le ando apretando el estomago (Tlaxcala, 1562)
in aocmo vmpa itztehua, in analoznequi, in tlaltechpacholoznequi = Ya de allá no sale, no quiere ser llevado, ya no quiere ser sometido
otitopachoque = eramos sus subditos