
Principal English Translation: 

a deity; "Swift Runner" was the delegate, substitute, or deputy of Huitzilopochtli

Fray Bernardino de Sahagún, Primeros Memoriales, ed. Thelma D. Sullivan, et al. (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1997), 94.

Orthographic Variants: 
Attestations from sources in English: 

His image, carried by a priest, headed the lengthy, swiftly moving procession that was a highlight of the Panquetzaliztli ceremony dedicated to Huitzilopochtli (Sahagún 1981: 141–150)
Fray Bernardino de Sahagún, Primeros Memoriales, ed. Thelma D. Sullivan, et al. (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1997), 94.