(a loanword from Spanish)
(a loanword from Spanish)
In yolizquahuitl in nepantla ihcac vmpa Parayso terrenal, in cenca huel miec in itlaaquillo = the tree of life that stands in the middle, there in terrestrial paradise, has an abundance of produce, fruit. (late sixteenth century, Central Mexico)
tiycaltenyotzin, in ticalacoayantzin in ilhuicac netlamachtiloyan Parayso = you are the doorway, you are the entrance to heaven, the place of happiness, Paradise (early seventeenth century, Central Mexico)
qujtlatlauhtiaia in tlaloc: in jtech qujtlamjaia qujavitl: iuh qujtoaia ca iehoatl vmpa tlatocatia in tlallocan in juhq'ma parayso terrenal ipan qujmatia = they prayed to Tlaloc, to whom they attributed the rain. They said that he governed Tlalocan, which they considered as an earthly paradise (central Mexico, sixteenth century)