
Principal English Translation: 

wide, a measure of width; something wide, spreading, broad
James Lockhart, Nahuatl as Written: Lessons in Older Written Nahuatl, with Copious Examples and Texts (Stanford: Stanford University Press and UCLA Latin American Studies, 2001), 229.

when a parcel has two dimensions, forming a rectangle, the "patlahuac" side is generally the shorter side

Orthographic Variants: 
Alonso de Molina: 

patlauac. cosa ancha desta manera.
Alonso de Molina, Vocabulario en lengua castellana y mexicana y mexicana y castellana, 1571, part 2, Nahuatl to Spanish, f. 80r. col. 2. Thanks to Joe Campbell for providing the transcription.

Frances Karttunen: 

PATLĀHUAC something broad, wide / cosa ancha (M) See PATLĀHUA.
Frances Karttunen, An Analytical Dictionary of Nahuatl (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1992), 189.

Lockhart’s Nahuatl as Written: 

pret. agentive from a verb patlāhua to grow wide. 229

Attestations from sources in English: 

patlahuac (adjective) = large, spacious
Daniel Garrison Brinton, Ancient Nahuatl Poetry: Containing the Nahuatl Text of XXVII Ancient Mexican Poems (1877), 160.

xiiii ic viac xi ic patlauac = 14 long, 11 wide (Atenantitlan, 1554)
Beyond the Codices, eds. Arthur J.O. Anderson, Frances Berdan, and James Lockhart (Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center, 1976), Doc. 9, 88–89.

yz ca yn imil yn ipa nezi thlacalaquili mathlacmatl yc pathlauhac zepouhali yc uhyac yn ipan quinesti thlacalaquili y nauapouhaltiquiuha zeçvtl yc cexiuhtl oquiça ze y quavhnauhacayotl zetetl canauhac ça ysquich = Here is his field on which the tribute in kind is produced: [the field is] 10 matl wide and 20 long, on which he produces the tribute in kind. Every 80 days [he delivers] one quarter-length [of a cloak], so that in one year it turns out to be one [whole] Cuernavaca cloak and one [whole] narrow cloak. That is all. (Cuernavaca region, ca. 1540s)
The Book of Tributes: Early Sixteenth-Century Nahuatl Censuses from Morelos, ed. and transl. S. L. Cline, (Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center Publications, 1993), 116–117.

yc mopatlac yn huaxacac = it was exchanged for Oaxaca (early seventeenth century, central New Spain)
Annals of His Time: Don Domingo de San Antón Muñón Chimalpahin Quauhtlehuanitzin, James Lockhart, Susan Schroeder, and Doris Namala, eds. and transl. (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2006), 114–115.

patlauac = wide
inic patlahuac = how wide, i.e. its width is
Beyond the Codices, eds. Arthur J.O. Anderson, Frances Berdan, and James Lockhart (Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center, 1976), 26.

patlauac = wide (inic patlahuac = how wide, i.e. its width is)
Frances Karttunen and James Lockhart, Nahuatl in the Middle Years: Language Contact Phenomena in Texts of the Colonial Period, Linguistics 85 (Los Angeles, University of California Publications, 1976), 26.

inic patlahuac = as to its width, or in width
auh yn tlalli onca mani xalatlauhtenco ynic huiac xxx quahuitl ynic patlahuac xv quahuitl = The land is at Xalatlauhtenco, thirty quahuitl long and fifteen quahuitl wide.
Rebecca Horn, Postconquest Coyoacan: Nahua-Spanish Relations in Central Mexico, 1519–1650 (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1997), 153–54.

"hueyac" is 204 and "patlahuac" is 64 varas castellanas for "ce tlatli" in Toluca in 1750; Another "tlali" with a "cali" measures in patlahuac 30 and in huiyac 41 "bara" in Xolalpa, part of Toluca, in 1722; and a tlaltzintli is 97 varas castellanas "hueyac" and 41.25 varas in "patlahuac" also in Xolalpa perhaps around the year 1700.
Stephanie Wood collection, notes from a Bills of Sale folder; for the first example, citing the Archivo General del Estado de México, RPEM 6, exp. 4, ff. 1r.–v. and 4r.–v.; for the second example, the same volume, but exp. 5, 4v.–5v.; and, for the third example, the same volume, exp. 6, ff. 1r.–2v.

Attestations from sources in Spanish: 

napoval patlauac ynic ueyac onpa ahci yn Tezcachiuhcan tepanco = tiene ochenta de ancho y de largo alla llegan hasta el lindero de los Tezcachiuhca (Tlaxcala, 1567)
Catálogo de documentos escritos en náhuatl, siglo XVI, vol. I (Tlaxcala: Gobierno del Estado de Tlaxcala y el Archivo Histórico del Estado de Tlaxcala, 2013), 75.

ynin cali onicteneuh ca quipie ytlalo hompohualmatl ynic huiac yhuan yc patlahuac = Y esta casa que aquí digo tiene su tierra que tiene cuarenta brazadas de largo y ancho (San Cristóbal Ecatepec, 1634)
Vidas y bienes olvidados: Testamentos en náhuatl y castellano del siglo XVII, vol. 3, Teresa Rojas Rabiela, et al, eds. (México: CIESAS, 2002), 200–201.

ynic patlauatiuh opouali = [de ancho cuarenta] (Ocotelulco, 1591)
Vidas y bienes olvidados: Testamentos indígenas novohispanos, vol. 1, Testamentos en castellano del siglo XVI y en náhuatl y castellano de Ocotelulco de los siglos XVI y XVII, eds. Teresa Rojas Rabiela, Elsa Leticia Rea López, y Constantino Medina Lima (Mexico: CIESAS, 1999), 244-245.

nahui anegas yhuan tlacoton motoca patlahuac tlaoli = de sembradura quatro fanegas, y una quartilla, que se siembra de maiz ancho (Amecameca, 1726)
De la colección de James Lockhart, notas en una carpeta sobre tierras y economía, citando AGN Tierras 2554, exp. 2.

auh niman y quimitlanillia zoua quimilhuia y nonoualca annechmomaquilizque ciua namechnonauatillia yeuatl, y nauiztetl ynic tzintamalpatlauac = Y luego les pide mujer, le dice a los nonoualca: "Ustedes me darán mujer, les ordeno que sea de caderas de cuatro cuartas de ancho." (Quauhtinchan, s. XVI)
Historia Tolteca-Chichimeca, eds. Paul Kirchhoff, Lina Odena Güemes, y Luis Reyes García (México: CISINAH, INAH-SEP, 1976), 133.

zentetl tlali...nauhpohualli ynic huehcapan auh ynic patlahuac zenpoval matl = una tierra...ochenta brazas de largo y de ancho treinta brazas (Tlaxcala, 1600)
Catálogo de documentos escritos en náhuatl, siglo XVII, Serie Administrativa (1600–1699), vol. II (Tlaxcala: Gobierno del Estado de Tlaxcala y el Archivo Histórico del Estado de Tlaxcala, 2013), 1–2.auh ynoticpixCaque patlahuac tlaoli onpohualli yhuan ome fanegas, 42 fanegas = Cosechamos 42 fanegas de maiz ancho. (San Andrés Chiautla, 1638)
Benjamin Daniel Johnson, “Transcripción de los documentos Nahuas de Tezcoco en los Papeles de la Embajada Americana resguardados en el Archivo Histórico de la Biblioteca Nacional de Antropología e Historia de México”, en Documentos nahuas de Tezcoco, Vol. 1, ed. Javier Eduardo Ramírez López (Texcoco: Diócesis de Texcoco, 2018), 170–171.