wide, a measure of width; something wide, spreading, broad
when a parcel has two dimensions, forming a rectangle, the "patlahuac" side is generally the shorter side
patlahuac (adjective) = large, spacious
xiiii ic viac xi ic patlauac = 14 long, 11 wide (Atenantitlan, 1554)
yz ca yn imil yn ipa nezi thlacalaquili mathlacmatl yc pathlauhac zepouhali yc uhyac yn ipan quinesti thlacalaquili y nauapouhaltiquiuha zeçvtl yc cexiuhtl oquiça ze y quavhnauhacayotl zetetl canauhac ça ysquich = Here is his field on which the tribute in kind is produced: [the field is] 10 matl wide and 20 long, on which he produces the tribute in kind. Every 80 days [he delivers] one quarter-length [of a cloak], so that in one year it turns out to be one [whole] Cuernavaca cloak and one [whole] narrow cloak. That is all. (Cuernavaca region, ca. 1540s)
yc mopatlac yn huaxacac = it was exchanged for Oaxaca (early seventeenth century, central New Spain)
patlauac = wide
inic patlahuac = how wide, i.e. its width is
patlauac = wide (inic patlahuac = how wide, i.e. its width is)
inic patlahuac = as to its width, or in width
auh yn tlalli onca mani xalatlauhtenco ynic huiac xxx quahuitl ynic patlahuac xv quahuitl = The land is at Xalatlauhtenco, thirty quahuitl long and fifteen quahuitl wide.
"hueyac" is 204 and "patlahuac" is 64 varas castellanas for "ce tlatli" in Toluca in 1750; Another "tlali" with a "cali" measures in patlahuac 30 and in huiyac 41 "bara" in Xolalpa, part of Toluca, in 1722; and a tlaltzintli is 97 varas castellanas "hueyac" and 41.25 varas in "patlahuac" also in Xolalpa perhaps around the year 1700.
napoval patlauac ynic ueyac onpa ahci yn Tezcachiuhcan tepanco = tiene ochenta de ancho y de largo alla llegan hasta el lindero de los Tezcachiuhca (Tlaxcala, 1567)
ynin cali onicteneuh ca quipie ytlalo hompohualmatl ynic huiac yhuan yc patlahuac = Y esta casa que aquí digo tiene su tierra que tiene cuarenta brazadas de largo y ancho (San Cristóbal Ecatepec, 1634)
ynic patlauatiuh opouali = [de ancho cuarenta] (Ocotelulco, 1591)
nahui anegas yhuan tlacoton motoca patlahuac tlaoli = de sembradura quatro fanegas, y una quartilla, que se siembra de maiz ancho (Amecameca, 1726)
auh niman y quimitlanillia zoua quimilhuia y nonoualca annechmomaquilizque ciua namechnonauatillia yeuatl, y nauiztetl ynic tzintamalpatlauac = Y luego les pide mujer, le dice a los nonoualca: "Ustedes me darán mujer, les ordeno que sea de caderas de cuatro cuartas de ancho." (Quauhtinchan, s. XVI)
zentetl tlali...nauhpohualli ynic huehcapan auh ynic patlahuac zenpoval matl = una tierra...ochenta brazas de largo y de ancho treinta brazas (Tlaxcala, 1600)