(a loanword from Spanish)
(a loanword from Spanish)
We see "matlactli omome plato" attested in the list of items needed at the time of a visit from the bishop to Texupa in 1562.
pollatoz yhuan molcaxitl = the [Spanish-style] plates and [traditional] sauce bowls (Central Mexico, 1552) [The first "o" is there to break up the Spanish consonant cluster, "pl."]
Yn iquac quicehuicaque 5 blato Tiçatla tlaca = Entonces llevó todos los cinco platos la gente de Tizatlan (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
ome plato Michhuacayotl no yey porcelana ça no yehuatl Michhuacayotl no yei plato Cuitlaxcohuapancayotl = dos platos de Mechoacan y tres b[o]rselanas [de Michoacán] y tres platos de la Puebla [en náhuatl: Cuitlaxcohuapan] (Toluca, 1621)
centetl metlatl yhhuan teconti yhuan platos = una metate, platos y tecomates (Santiago Tlatelolco, 1600)