to raise; to lift; to build (as in a house); to start, stir up (as in the heavens); to stand; to provide
yhuan cenca huel nohuiyan tlatlac ỹ cuahuitl ciudad. mexico yn inchan yn intlatlapanco yn incaltenpa españoles. ҫa ce ynic nohuiyan ohtlipan tlatlac yuhquin tlaztalotl moquetz mexico. auh yn monasterios teopixcan mochi sepo candelas yn teopantlapanticpac tlatlatlac yn iuh mochi tlacatl oquittac = and absolutely everywhere in the city of Mexico wood was burned at the homes of the Spaniards, on their roofs and outside their houses, and there were fires absolutely everywhere on the roads; it became as bright in Mexico as the coming of dawn's light. And in all the monasteries, where there are friars, tallow candles were burned on the roofs of the churches, as everyone saw (central Mexico, 1614)
yehuan moquezque aīīdes = those raised to alcaldes (Tlaxcala, 1547)
aocac tlamelauhca icac, motlamelauhcaquetza = no one stood straight, raised up straight
vel mochichicoa, vel moquichquetza = working up their spirits, taking a manly posture
moquetza = is built, is raised up, is set up; or, is bred (as in a quadraped animal); or, became
Often combines with other verbs or with modifiers: moquichquetza, motlamelauhcaquetza.
Stephanie, ta nouhquiya ticnequi timoquetzaz? = "Stephanie, do you also want to stand up?"
auh ynic tlaneltilia hoquiquetz cruz ynic nelli testigus = por ser verdad pusieron una cruz como testigos verdaderos (Culhuacan, 1580)
oca quiquetzque cros = allá pararon una cruz (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
Auh yzcatqui yn intepan yn nonoualca yquac quiquetzque yn quitlamaceuique yn imaltepeuh = He aquí los linderos de los nonoualca. Los levantaron cuando merecieron su pueblo. (Quauhtinchan, s. XVI)