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IDIEZ traduc. inglés:
1. to lift up an animal by its head or to lift the edge of an object. 2. for the edges of s.t. not well put together to begin to lift up.
IDIEZ def. náhuatl:
1. nic. Macehualli quiitzquia ce tlapiyalli zo ce tlamantli itenno huan quitlachiyaltia ica huahcapan. “Juan quitentlahtlalana itepozcacalach pampa quinequi ma quiza campa cuatacantoc. ” 2. mo. Ce tlamantli tlen axcanah cualli quichihchiuhtoqueh pehua motlalana itehtenno. “Noma icoton motentlahtlalana pampa tlahuel hueyi huan axcualli quiihtzontoqueh. ”
IDIEZ morfología:
tēntlālāna (tlaomp. )
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