a basket with a handle, woven of palm (see Karttunen and Molina)
tezcatanatli, tziquaoaztanatli = [There were] a basket for the mirror, a basket for the comb... (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
Veuej toptanatli, in vncan mopia, in chalchiuhtentetl, in teucujtlanacochtli, in teucujtlacozcatl, tzoncalli, xaiacatl, teucujtlaacaçoatl coztic teucujtlatl. = a large basket-case in which were kept the green stone lip plugs, the gold ear plugs, the golden necklaces, the wigs, the masks, the golden reed serpent. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
içutultanatli = her palm leaf basket (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
yhuan tanayahualtontli = and a small round basket with a handle (Culhuacan, sixteenth century)
Auh in cihoapiltontli, qujcencavilia cuetontli, vipiltontli, ioan in jxqujch cioatlatqujtl, tanatontli, malacatl, tzotzopaztli = And they prepared for the baby girl a little skirt, a little shift, and all the equipment of women, the little reed basket, the spinning whorl, the batten (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
ta:nahtli = La Memoria también registra divergencias dialectales regionales a partir de un vocablo náhuatl: el autor designa como tanates' (de ta:nahtli, 'espuerta de palma') a los cestos de fibras flexibles, mientras que Mariscal los llama 'tenates,' como se conocen hoy en Oaxaca.
centzontli tlaolli zan tanatica motomachi = cuatrocientas fanegas de maíz que se midieron por medio de tanatli = part of the tributes owed by Quauhtinchan to the encomendero in 1523 (Quauhtinchan, sixteenth century). Lockhart made a marginal note in his copy of this book that this reference to tributes in gold was reminiscent of the famous letter of Huexotzinco.