next to, with, or at
canel çenca huei, tetlaçotlaliztica, mopampa Cruztitech omomiquilli = since with very great love and charity He died for you on the cross
Tetitech câ zoquitl = There's some mud on the rocks
Caltitech niczaloa āmatl = I'm gluing paper onto the house
ytechoquiz, itechoquiz, ytech oquiz, itech oquiz = it emerged from;
notech = from me, with me
ytech, itech = from him, with him
yntech, intech = with them
imilitech = next to his/her field (i-, possessive, milli, field, -ti-, ligature, and -tech, next to
iuhquin ma tetitech noneoa, nonnouitequi = It is as if I beat myself, I dash myself against a rock.
Often relates to being "on" or "touching" a vertical surface.
canel çenca huei, tetlaçotlaliztica, mopampa Cruztitech omomiquilli = pues quiso por el amor que nos tiene morir en vna Cruz