to grind maize on a stone (see Molina and Karttunen)
Niman ic tlecujllan, qujtoca in ticitl, in jxic cioapiltzintli: qujl ic qujnezcaiotia, acampa ianj in cioatzintli: ҫan vel calitic, inemja, ҫan vel calitic ichan, amo monequj in campa iaz: ioan quitoznequj, vel itequjuh, in atl, in tlaqualli: achioaz, tlaqualchioaz, teciz, tzaoaz, hiqujtiz = Then the midwife buried the umbilical cord of the noblewoman by the hearth. It was said that by this she signified that the little woman would nowhere wander. Her dwelling place was only within the house; her home was only within the house; it was not necessary for her to go anywhere. And it meant that her very duty was drink, food. She was to prepare drink, to prepare food, to grind, to spin, to weave. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
teci = it grinds (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
ocann itetzin ycomonidad tetziquen = donde muelen las molenderas de la comunidad (San Juan Teotihuacan, 1563)