to pour something into a container, to cause something to fill up (see Karttunen); to put something into a container or the like, to fill it up (see Lockhart); when reflexive (and no long e), to bathe in a temazcalli, a steam bath (see Molina)
tema (verb) = to place something somewhere
Nictema cintli = I pour the corn.
Nictemilia cintli coxtalli = I pour the corn in the bag.
yntla quitlacuzque yn azo tetlaxima ychtequi temictiaya tlavana patuva ynincepan motemat oquichtin ciba = si toman algo o son adulteros, rateros, asesinos, borrachos, juegan dados los que se bañan hombre mujer (Tlaxcala, 1543)