is located (especially referring to chinampas), which is akin to the definition of "to be stretched out;" also, to fill, fill up; to become full, to swell; or, to be fed up
temi (verb) = to be filled, replete; to be stretched out
Often, in the Valley of Mexico, followed by any number of chinampas. In fact where mani will be the verb when speaking of the location of tlalli, temi is the verb to speak of the location of chinampas.
temi coxtalli = The bag fills up.
Nictemitia coxtalli = I fill up the bag.
Ninquintemitilia inin coxtal Maria huan Pedro = I fill up the bag for Maria and Pedro.
temj (temi) = it fills; xaltemj (xaltemi) = it fills with sand; textemj (textemi) it fills with fine [sand] (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
mani chinanpa nauhtetemi Anacazco = son cuatro chinampas que están situados en Anacazco (Cuernavaca, 1597)