a lip plug (literally, lip stone)
Might be made of green stone, turquoise, shells, obsidian, coral, gold, etc. (see attestations)
temalacatentetl teuxiujtl coztic teucujtlatl icallo, chalchiuhtencololli, coztic teucujtlatl icallo, chalchiuhquauhtentetl, coztic teucujtlatl itzincallo = A disc-shaped lip plug of fine turquoise in a gold setting; A curved, green stone lip plug in a gold setting; A green stone lip plug in the form of an eagle, fitted at the base in a gold setting. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
in jntenteuh in tlatoque chalchiuhtentetl, anoço tecciztentetl, anoço teocujtlatentetl. = The lip plugs of the rulers were green stone lip plugs, or sea shell lip plugs, or gold lip plugs. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
teocuitlatentetl = golden lip plug
teocuitlatempilolli = golden lip pendant;
cuauhtempilolli coztic teocuitlatl = a golden lip pendant in the form of an eagle;
teocuitlacuauhtentetl = golden eagle lip plug;
apatlactempilolli coztic teocuitlatl = lip pendant of gold in the form of a broad-leafed water plant;
ahuictempilolli coztic teocuitlatl = gold lip plug in the form of a boating pole;
atototempliolli coztic teocuitlatl = gold lip plug in the form of a pelican;
metztempilolli coztic teocuitlatl = crescent-shaped lip pendant of gold;
xiuhcoatempilolli coztic teocuitlatl = gold lip pendants in the form of a fire serpent;
apozonaltentetl = amber lip plugs;
chalchiuhtentetl = green stone labret;
xiuhtentetl = turquoise lip plug;
xoxouhqui tenzacatl = blue labret;
tehuilotentetl = lip plug of rock crystal;
itztentetl = obsidian lip plug;
tepochtentetl = lip plug of smoky stone;
tecciztentetl = seashell lip plug;
tapachtentetl = coral shell lip plug
in tetepeiotl, in xivitzolli, in matemecatl, in cotzeoatl, in nacochtli, in tentetl, in tlalpilonj = the peaked cap, the turquoise diadem, the arm band, the band for the calf of the leg, the ear plug, the lip rod, the head band (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
auh injc macho in telpuchpan povi, motexapotla, injc vncan motentetia = And to make it known that he belonged to the telpochcalli, the [lower] lip was pierced in order to place the lip plug there (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
teocuitlatentetl = beçoleros de oro (Tezozomoc)