hill; mountain; precipice (see Karttunen and Molina)
In imomestin y, cecentetl intepeuh, muchiuh: in vmpa, ontlamaceuhtinenca: nauhiooal, mitoa in ascan, tetepe tzacuilli, itzacuil tonatiuh, yoan itzacoal metztli. = For these two, for each one singly, a hill was made. There they remained, performing penances for four nights. They are now called pyramids-- the pyramid of the sun and the pyramid of the moon. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
Ynic yetleco Ypan yntetepe Yztaquê, oncan ye manticate omotecaque ynchichíme ca. omocentlallique yníc yetozque. paquiliz tica ynaoque aca quín cuecihuitiz = By ascending the snow-covered mountains, the Chichimeca already spread out and completely settled the land there. Thus they were agreeable with happiness. No longer did anyone harry them.
Mā tlaōcoya in amoyōlloh in amihtic oncah, in anTlāloqueh = Let your hearts which are within you be sad, you Tlalocs [i.e., mountains]
(Atenango, between Mexico City and Acapulco, 1629)
Tlā xihuiquih, in antlamacazqueh, in anTlāloqueh, in nāuhcāmpa amonoqueh, in nāuhcāmpa acateh, in amilhuicaquītzquihtoqueh = Come, you who are priests, you who are Tlalocs, you who are lying there toward the four directions, you who are toward the four directions, you who lie gripping the sky [i.e., the mountains]. (Atenango, between Mexico City and Acapulco, 1629)
in itzalan iztactepetl, yoan popocatepetl = between Iztactepetl and Popocatepetl
quimixiptlatiaia yn tetepe yn quezquitetl = fashioned images of the mountains (sixteenth century, central Mexico)
icampa in tepetl = behind the mountain
oceppayauh. yn intech yztac tepetl. yhuan popocatepetl cenca yc moquimiloque, yn ceppayahuitl, yhuan ynic nohuiampa quauhtla, yn intech tetepe, nohuian yntech huetz. yn ceppayahuitl = on Iztaccihuatl and Popocatepetl it snowed; they were wrapped in a great deal of snow, and snow fell all around in the forests on the mountains (central Mexico, 1611–1612)
mochi huehuey tetepe çe çamana yn patico = todos los grandes cerros, a la semana, se vinieron a deshielar. (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
tza cetetl yn icac yn calli yhua yn ixquich yn oca tepeuhtonc yn ixquich ytetl mochi = no hay más de una casa y todos aquellos montones de piedras que hay (San Juan Teotihuacan, 1563)
icampa in tepetl = tras la sierra