relating to mountains, e.g. mountain-living (sixteenth century, Quauhtinchan)
also, a peaked cap worn by a ruler
ca oconcujc in tepeiotl, in xiuhvitzolli, in matacaxtli, in matemecatl, in cotzeoatl, in tentetl, in nacochtli = for he hath taken the peaked cap, the turquoise diadem, the maniple, the wrist band, the leather band about the calf of the leg, the lip plug, the ear plug (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
in tetepeiotl, in xivitzolli, in matemecatl, in cotzeoatl, in nacochtli, in tentetl, in tlalpilonj = the peaked cap, the turquoise diadem, the arm band, the band for the calf of the leg, the ear plug, the lip rod, the head band (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
…namechcaualltico yn amoztoyoyn amotepeyo…. = …que abandonen la vida cavernícola y serrana. (Quauhtinchan, s. XVI)