the post or pole used for hanging a person (see Molina)
pilloloque yehuatl ytech yn omoteneuh tlayolloco tlanepantla mani ye huecauh tepilolcuahuitl yn oncan tecpan quiyahuac yhuan xexeloloque yn innacayo yhuan yn intzõteco quincocotonillique, auh oncan ycpac yn omoteneuh tepilolcuahuitl quintlalique yhuan yn inmacpacpal quintetequillique oncan ytlan = were hanged on the said gallows that was in the middle and had been there for a long time outside the palace, and their bodies were cut into parts and their heads cut off and placed on top of the said gallows along with their hands that had been cut off, beside them (central Mexico, 1613)
y miquetl ytocan Domigo... yca petlaçoli quihualaaque niman itlan tepilolquauhtitla ynic quihualtilaque tlacpac... ocçepan opan quihualquixtique yc ye quitocato Sant Josep ça nacatetl atle ytonica quitlalilique = El difunto se llama Domingo... lo trajeron en petates viejos al pie de la horca, de ahí lo colgaron... De allá otra vez lo sacaron para irlo a enterrar a San José, iba desnudo, no le pusieron ninguna túnica (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)