a log drum
Qujcujcatiaia, yn iveveiooan, qujteponacilhujaia, caiotzotzonjlia, caioujtequjlia, caiacachilhuja, comjchicaoacilhuja. = Her old men sang for her; they beat the two-toned wooden drum, and the turtle-shell drum; they rattled rattles shaped like dried poppy-seed pods, and they rattled bone rattles. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
quitzonaya yn tepo naz tlí- Yhuá cololí; cuauh coyolím, yhuá hoccequine Yaotlatquítl ycamiec tzatziliztli, tla huelecayo tíca cayȗh, Ozelomê mimiztín = quitzonaya in tepona:ztli i:hua:n cololi, cuauhcoyolin, i:hua:n oc cequi:ne ya:o:tlatquitl i:ca miec tzahtziliztli, tlahue:lehcayo:tica ca iuh o:celo: meh, mimi:ztin = they beat the lateral log drum and trumpets, wooden bells, along with other war property, with much furious shouting, like coyotes, jaguars, and mountain lions.
teponaztli = drum all of wood (Atenango, between Mexico City and Acapulco, 1629)
in anoço teponaztli in anoço vevetl = log drums, or cylindrical drums
(Mexico City, sixteenth century)
tepunaztli tetzilacatl = horizontal drums; small bells
chalchiuhteponaztli, nacatica cuitlalpitoc... tla ca nenca nacochtli. = a two-tone drum of jade ringed with flesh?...it is an ear-plug.
In the Toluca Valley in the early seventeenth-century, ritual specialists were found to have been performing ritual songs "to the beat of the wooden drums known as teponaztli, and uttered 'unintelligible words.'"
Ontetl teponaztli no ontetl huehuetl no ontetl tlalpanhuehuetl = Dos teponastlis, dos guitarras [sic], dos capotes (Tetepango, Hidalgo, 1586)
yn quauhtecomatl yhuan yn chalchihuitl yhuan xihuitl xelihuic monamacaz yn ipatiuh huentli mochihuaz yhuan ontetl nuehuetl teponaztli = el tecomate de palo y los chalchihuites, y también donde se asentaban los años, se ha de partir y se ha de vender y el valor de ello es para limosna; y dos teponastlis (Xochimilco, 1577)
yhuan ce tlalpanhuehuetl huey yhuan xicalteconhuehuetl = y un teponastli grande que llaman guitarra de la tierra, y también un teponastli que llaman sicalgegel