
Principal English Translation: 

to pursue someone, follow someone, or investigate, observe, see to, look into

Orthographic Variants: 
Frances Karttunen: 

TEPOTZTOCA vt to pursue, to follow someone, to pursue a matter, to insist on something / seguir a alguien, andar detrás de él (S), le pregunta, lo exija, lo insiste (Z) [(1)Cf.72V, (3)Tp.204, (3)Zp.58,72,197]. C marks the vowel of the first syllable long, which is an error. In one of three attestations Z marks the vowel of the second syllable long, which is also incorrect. See TEPOTZ-TLI, TOCA. TEPOTZTOQUILIĀ applic. TEPOTZTOCA. TEPOTZTOCALŌ nonact. TEPOTZTOCA.
Frances Karttunen, An Analytical Dictionary of Nahuatl (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1992), 231.

Attestations from sources in English: 

ohuiloac omotepoztocaz[?] ic omoquaxochtlali = they went(?) to investigate, and they established the borders.
Stephanie Wood, Mapa de Tolcayuca f. 3r., The Mapas Project, University of Oregon; write [email protected] for access to web pages. James Lockhart assisted with the translation

The authors of the Techialoyan codices regularly used the extra t: tepotztoca.

quitepotztocazque = are to observe
Byron McAfee translation of the Tepotzotlan Techialoyan, published in Donald Robertson, The Techialoyan Codex of Tepotztotlan: Codex X (Rylands Mexican Ms. 1), Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 43:1 (Sept. 1960), 127.