to be concerned; to be sad or anxious; to worry, embarrass, bother, torment, or afflict another person (both transitive and reflexive)
huel senca temamauhti yhuan tetequipacho yn oquimochihuilico = What they came to do took people greatly aback and troubled them
Yc cenca motequipachoaya tlaocoxticatca = thus they were very anxious and sad (late sixteenth century, Central Mexico)
Mach iuqui aauayo ipan ticmati tlatoani, anozo petlatl icpalli: iuhquin auitzyo ipan ticmati, ixpan timoteiluitinemi. Azo muchipa moteiluia: cenca quitequipachotinemi in tlatoani = "Do you think that the king or the throne has no thorns? When you bring your dispute before him or when accusations are forever being made against others, do you think he has no briers? He is extremely vexed!"
Auh nenca maceualtzitzin[tin] ypan onoqueh ca ye ypan motequitilitihui iuhqui momachitiah yn nonamic ciuapilli yuan yn nopilhuan macamo quinmotequipachilhuizqueh = a los naturales que allí están sirviendo, que así lo saben, y mi mujer y mis hijos, que no les den pesadumbre (Tulancingo, México, 1577)
ic ninotequipachohua on = me pessa desso
cenca nechtequipachohua in mococoliz = mucho me pesa de tu ma [sic]