healer, physician, midwife (see Lockhart); prognosticator (see Karttunen and Molina)
españoles. ca çan yehuantin quimomictilique in medigos yn iticitzitzinhuan quimopahtiliaya = Absolutely all of the religious and Spaniards said that it was just the doctors, his physicians, who killed him. (central Mexico, 1612)
Book 6 of the Florentine Codex contains extensive passages about midwifery. See, especially, the 27th and 28th chapters.
in ticitl, xiuiximatini tlaneloaioximatini, quauhiximatini, teiximati, tlaiximatqui, tlaieiecole, tlaztlacole, piale, machice nonotzale. = The physician [is] a knower of herbs, of roots, of trees, of stones; she is experienced in these. [She is] one who has [the results of] examinations; she is a woman of experience, of trust, of professional skill: a counselor. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
in ticitl tepatiani, tlapatiani tlapaleuiani. = The physician [is] a curer of people, a restorer, a provider of health. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
Tlàtoa in ticitl, quitoa... = The midwife speaks, saying...
"...men and women alike practice medicine and are called Ticiti . . . There are no surgeons or pharmacists among the titici, but rather only physicians, who by themselves dispense all manners of treatment." (central Mexico, 1571–1615)
yn teyxcuepanime yn diablosme yn intlayacacahuan yn yztlacati yn titiçi = enchanters, devils and their leaders, those who lie, the fortune-telling medical practitioners (central Mexico, 1552)
I arrested an Indian woman called Mariana, a seer, a liar, a healer of the type they call Ticitl. This Mariana declared that what she knew and used in her sorcery and frauds she had learned from another Indian woman, Mariana's sister, and that the sister had not learned it from any other person, but that it had been revealed to her, because when the sister was consulting the ololiuhqui about the cure of an old wound, having become intoxicated with the strength of the drink, she summoned the sick person and blew upon his wound with some embers, whereupon the wound healed immediately. (Atenango, between Mexico City and Acapulco, 1629)
native healers (central Mexico, late sixteenth century)
Ontlaxmani, ontlaoztec. Inin tlatolli, itechpa mitoaya: in chichioa, anoza ticitl, in iquac tla aca pilli ipiltzin quichichitia ce tlacatl cioatl: auh zan no ommic in piltontli = She smashed it, she broke it. This phrase was said of a wet-nurse or mid-wife when she suckled the child of a noblewoman and the child died. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
ticitl = a healer; also a midwife; according to a witness in an inquisitorial proceeding in 1584, a ticitl "performed bathing and naming ceremonies in behalf of infants, used forearm measuring to diagnose illnesses, and performed ritual cleanings with cotton balls to protect clients from sorcery."
Tlatoa in ticitl: in jmac tlacatioanj, in jtitl qujvellalianj, temjxivitianj = The midwife spoke, the one in charge of birth, the one who set the womb aright, the one who delivered (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
A ca nelle axcan, anqujmonochilia, anqujmotzatzililia, anqujticinotza in teteu innan: in tonan in iooalticitl, in qujtqujtica, in jmac ca, in jpial in xochicalli, in tlalticpac mjtoa temazcalli = For verily now ye cry out, ye call to summon Ticitl, the mother of the gods, Tonan, Yoalticitl, who governeth - in whose hands, in whose charge is - the xochicalli, which on earth is called 'sweatbath' (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
titici (the reduplicative plural form)