to go away doing; a centrifugal purposive verbal compounding element; singular (see Karttunen)
Cānin tihuīcōhuî? = Where are we being brought to?
The directional of motion away from the speaker.
in vevetque, in jlamatque, in tzonjztaztivi, in quaiztaztivi, in pipinjxtivi = the old men, the old women, those who go white-haired, those who go white-headed, those who go emaciated with age (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
hoquimahtihui = van sabiendo (Tlaxcala, 1562)
ompa yez ce escrivano yvan alguaziles tlahtlanitihui = alla ira un escribano y los alguaciles para preguntar (Tlaxcala, 1564)
yn quitlamaceuitiui yn imaltepeuh = van a merecr su pueblo (Quauhtinchan, s. XVI)