a type of sacrificial act, involving the use of arrows; it was practiced by the Toltecas and the Chichimecas used when they conquered altepetl lords; it was paired with another type of sacrifice that involved making furrows or scrapes in the body called tlahuahuanaliztli (see attestations) (sixteenth century, Quauhtinchan)
In Tollan, this type of sacrifice was related to the goddesses called Ixcuiname and devotion to Tlazolteotl in the fiesta of Izcalli. Citing the Anales de Quauhtitlan (1938: 101–102; 1945; 13).
Olman oncan quipolloque yn chaneque catca yn olmeca oncan quincacalque quiuauanque yehuantin yn tlalpolloque yn icxicouatl yn quetzalteueyac yn tezcauitzil yn tololouitzin = Olman. Allí destruyeron a los habitantes, a los olmeca. Allí los sacrificaron por flechamiento, los "rayaron", ellos Icxicouatl, Quetzalteueyac, Tezcauitzil y Tololuitzin, conquistaron la tierra. (Quauhtinchan, s. XVI)