to pay tributes, rents; or, to put something into the house (see Molina)
tlacpac omoteneuhque tliltique, auh ynin omoteneuhque españa huicoque oncan tetlan yhcuac huicoc yn Anton de loya tliltic çãno ymalguacil catca yn tliltique libres tn tlacallaquia = these said blacks were taken to Spain. At that time Antón de Loya, a black, was also taken with the rest; he had been the constable of the free blacks who pay tribute. (central Mexico, 1612)
ypanpa ca tetocatlatquitl yhuan yn ixquich altepetlalli calpolllalli chiconncan quiztica ypan tlacalaquia macehualtzintli = porque es patrimonio y señorío y todas las tierras del pueblo y barrios; que está dividido en siete partes, sobre que tributan los vasallos (San Juan Teotihuacan, 1563)
oc oquitlacalaquiaya yn azcapotzalcatl = Aún tributaban a los azcapotzalcas. (Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)