someone or something that has rabies (see Karttunen); literally, a compound of person and deer
Orthographic Variants:
tlācamazāteh, tlacamazatl
Frances Karttunen:
TLĀCAMAZĀTEH pl: -MEH someone or something that has rabies / rabia (T), perro con rabia (T for compound with CHICHI) [(4)Tp.124,228]. T has a variant form with short A in the first syllable. M has tlacamaçactl ‘someone rabid or vicious.’ Compare this compound of TLĀCA-TL ‘person’ and MAZĀ-TL ‘deer’ with TLĀCATECOLŌ-TL ‘devil’ where the second element is TECOLŌ-TL ‘owl.’ Frances Karttunen, An Analytical Dictionary of Nahuatl (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1992), 252.