IDIEZ traduc. inglés:
1. for water that is pooled in a high place to drip to the ground continuously. 2. for hot grease to splatter.
IDIEZ def. náhuatl:
1. Nouhquiya TLACHOCHOPICA huan TLAPIPICHICA. Atl tlen momantoc zo mocauhtoc huahcapan huetzi ahachica tlalchi quehquentzitzin. “Notonanan ixahcal tlahuel tlachichipica pampa zozolticca. ” 2. Totonic chiyauhcayotl tzitzicuica. “Quemman nicmolonihqui etlacualli peuh tlachichipica pampa quipixtoya miac chiyauhcayotl. ”