a certain little animal (see Molina); a marsupial, an opossum (see Sahagún) (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
intla oqujc cioapatli, in joan tlaquatl: intlacamo qujtlacamati in ijti: cenca tlaovicamati in ticitl, ioan in jlamatque = if the woman drank the ciuapatli and the opossum [tail infusion, and] if her labor pains responded not, the midwife and the old women considered it (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
auh injc qujcivitia in jiehcoliz piltzintli cioapatli tlaquaqualatzalli conjtia in otztzintli. Auh intla cenca qujhijotia, conjtia in tlaquatl: ic iciuhca tlacati in piltzintli = And to hasten the birth of the baby, they gave the pregnant one cooked ciuapatli herb to drink. And if she suffered much, they gave her [ground] opossum [tail infusion] to drink, whereupon the baby was quickly born (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
This is "tlacuache" in modern Mexican Spanish. (SW)