
Principal English Translation: 

a piece of wood or stone that has been carved (see Molina and Karttunen)

Alonso de Molina: 

tlacuicuitl. cosa labrada o esculpida en madera o en piedra.
Alonso de Molina, Vocabulario en lengua castellana y mexicana y mexicana y castellana, 1571, part 2, Nahuatl to Spanish, f. 119v. col. 2. Thanks to Joe Campbell for providing the transcription.

Frances Karttunen: 

TLACUIHCUI-TL piece of worked wood or cut stone / cosa labrada o esculpida en Madera o en piedra (M) [(1)Cf.47r,(1)Rp.41]. R has a long vowel in the second syllable rather than a short vowel and glottal stop as C does. See TLACUIHCUI.
Frances Karttunen, An Analytical Dictionary of Nahuatl (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1992), 259.