for there to be no one around, for a place to be deserted (see Karttunen)
Orthographic Variants:
Frances Karttunen:
TLAĪUHTICAH for there to be no one around, for a place to be deserted / no hay gente (T) [(1)Tp.230]. M has ça iuhticac ‘vacant house’ and under words for ‘vacant’ on the Spanish-to-Nahuatl side several other constructions with the sequence iuhti. If this is derived from IHU(I) ‘to be or become in a certain way,’ the vowel of the second syllable should be short, but T has it long. See IHU(I), the verb CĀ. Frances Karttunen, An Analytical Dictionary of Nahuatl (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1992), 272.