on earth, on the ground; the earth; worldliness, in the world, of the world (see Molina, Karttunen, Lockhart, and examples, such as from Sahagún)
nicā tpc = here on earth
nochi tletl yn oqzique niman ohuihuiyocac tlaticpactli = it was pure fire that came out, then the earth trembled
in tetlacamachiliztli in nemi, in ca, in tlalticpac = the obedience of those who live now on earth (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
Ticcautehuazque tlalticpac ye nican = We will leave the earth here.
Ompa onquiza'n tlalticpac. Iquac mitoa in cenca ye titotolinia, in ayaxcan neci totech monequi, in tilmatzintli, in tlaqualtzintli = The world spills out. This is said when we are very poor, when hardly anything comes our way, such as mantles or food.
Conjtotivi, ca tlachichiqujlco in tivi, in tinemj tlalticpac, njpa tlanj, njpa tlanj = They went saying that on earth we travel, we live along a mountain peak. Over here there is an abyss, over there is an abyss (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
aocmo quenman mahavillacanequjz in oqujchtli, aocmo tlalticpac tlamatiz = no longer should she at any time take her pleasure with her husband, no longer should she give herself to worldliness (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
Tlaalauj, tlapetzcauj in tlalticpac. Ҫan ie no iuhquj in omjto: aҫo qujn jzqujnpa qualli inemjliz: ҫatepan itla ipan vetzi tlatlaculli, in ma iuhquj omalauh ҫoqujtitlan = The earth is slippery. It is the same as the one mentioned. Perhaps at one time one was of good life; later he fell into some wrong, as if he had slipped in the mud. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
auh in tlalticpac tlaca in icuac mitzittazque, in mimatinime, i huellanonotzaltin, i huellazcaltiltin, za niman mitzpinahuizque, mitztlatemachilizque = y cuando en el mundo te vean los hombres, los sabios, los bien instruidos, los bien ilustrados, entonces únicamente te avergonzarán, te reprenderán. (centro de México, s. XVI)
Ichiltica, ipoctica tiquiztiaz in tlalticpac = Permanecerás viviendo en el mundo al lado del chile, del humo (A los niños se les castigaba haciéndoles aspirar humo de chile tostado. Véase Códice Mendocino, fol. 60 v. (centro de México, s. XVI)
oninotolinico yn tlalticpac = estoy muy pobre de la tierra (Tulancingo, 1572)
ninocencahua in nican tlalticpac = me descargo en este mundo (Ciudad de México, 1566)
Tlaalauj, tlapetzcauj in tlalticpac. Ҫan ie no iuhquj in omjto: aҫo qujn jzqujnpa qualli inemjliz: ҫatepan itla ipan vetzi tlatlaculli, in ma iuhquj omalauh ҫoqujtitlan = Es lo mjsmo que arriba se ya [sic] dho que apenas ay qujen se pueda escapar de cayer en algun peccado. (centro de Mexico, s. XVI)