
Principal English Translation: 

a king of the Chichimecs; father of Achcauhtzin and Xolotl

Anónimo mexicano, ed. Richley H. Crapo and Bonnie Glass-Coffin (Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, 2005),11.

Attestations from sources in English: 

Ypanceme Altepetl quíocayo-tia Amaquémê.ll ocatcaya çe theuctlí-yntlatocauh ý chichimeca ytocaCatca Tlamacatzin = In one town, which was called Amaqueme, there was a lord, the king of the Chichimeca, whose name was Tlamacatzin.
Anónimo mexicano, ed. Richley H. Crapo and Bonnie Glass-Coffin (Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, 2005), 11.