in the middle (see Molina)
yquac ylhuicatitech hualmonexti yuauhcoçamalotl quiyahuallotimoma in tonatiuh yhua ce quixnamic auh in tonatiuh ça tlacaltechpan yetiuh onpa yquiçayanpa yetihuitz auh yn tiquittaqueue aço ye chiuhcnahui hora auh mochitlacatl quittac yn titehuan yhuan españolesme auh yn mocahuato ye nepantla tonatiuh valmocruztecac yn tlanepantla. = in the sky there appeared a misty rainbow, which surrounded the sun as it rose; and another rose opposite the sun during the morning. We saw this after nine o’clock. Everyone saw it: we and the Spanish. By midday they came together in the middle [of the sky], the sun, in the shape of a cross in the middle