a church expenditure(?), this term is still under investigation; seen defined as funds provided to the church by the cabildo in Cuernavaca (Robert Haskett, 2005); seen as funds to underwrite a special mass relating to Pascua de Resurreccíon (Margarita Loera y Chávez 1981); seen as funds provided to bury a pre-hispanic sculpture that frightened people (Lorenzo Ochoa, 1989); a variant, tetlapalolli, has been translated as "painted," referring to the church (Benjamin Daniel Johnson, 2018, in ed Javier Eduardo Ramírez López), but this was at the time of "Pascua Navidad," so may refer to a mass instead of painting?
Pascua navidad tetlapalolli yglesia yey Peso domi yey Cihuatotolli yc chiquaçe peso, 6 pos = Para la pascua de Navidad se pintó la iglesia por tres pesos en efectivo, tres gallinas [un total] por seis pesos. (San Andrés Chiautla, 1638)