to have children with someone
auh çan yehuantin ynin omoteneuhque yetlamantin teopixque, yn quil quincuallittaya tliltique ynic quincahuazquia ynic amo quinmictizquia yece macihui yn quincahuazquia yniqu intlan tliltique monemiltizquia yece quil mochintin quinmatequixtilizquia quinmatecuilizquia ynic amo campa huel oc ceme tlapilhuatizquia yntech señorati. = It was only these three said groups of religious that the blacks reportedly approved of and were going to spare and not kill; but although they were going to spare them so that they would live among the blacks, nevertheless reportedly they were going to remove and take off the testicles of all of them so that one of them somewhere couldn't have children by the Spanish women, (central Mexico, 1612)