advice (see Molina); a fable (see Molina); or, a wooden column or pillar (see Molina); also, a piece of land? (see examples from Vidas y bienes olvidados); also related to cacao? (see Sahagún)
yn ixquich callitic onoc yn comitl yn quahuitl yoan tlaquetzalli ontetl yoan hontetl quauhtlancochcochtli (sic) = everything inside the house, the pots, the wood, and the two wooden pillars, the two (wooden brackets) (n.d., sixteenth century) (central Mexico, sixteenth-century)
Tlaquetzalnamacac, atlaquetzalnamacac, tecini, teatlitiani, teihiiocuitiani, cacaoateci, tlaxamania, tlapaiana, tlacuechoa tlatzontequi, tlacentlaca, tlacenquixtia, aciaoa, tlaciaoa, tlaapachoa, tlaamauhtia, tlaaiçauia, tlaacana, tlatzetzeloa, tlaatzetzeloazuia, aquetza, tlaacana, tlatzotzontlalia, tlapopoçonallalia, tlatzotzoncui, tlatetzaoacaquetza, tlatetzaoacaacana, tlaaquechia, tlaatecuinia = The seller of fine chocolate. The seller of fine chocolate [is] one who grinds, who provides people with drink, with repasts. She grinds cacao [beans]; she crushes, breaks, pulverizes them. She chooses, selects [read tlacentlaça], separates them. She drenches, soaks, steeps, them. She adds water sparingly, conservatively; aerates it, filters it, strains it, pours it back and forth, aerates it; she makes it form a head, makes it foam; she removes the head, makes it thicken, makes it dry, pours water in, stirs water into it. (sixteenth-century, central Mexico)
quahuitl untecpantli niquihtohua monepan tlaxelloz centecpantli quahmimiliz yoan yn iapechyo mochiuhtoc yn heui pantli yoan centlapal tlaquetzalli yoan centetl puerta = cuarenta moril[l]os y una viga que se había de echar en medio, y los pilares y una puerta (Cuauhtitlán, 1599)
yn itlaquetzal yn calli tlapancalli = su tierra y la casa de terrado