inhabitant of Tlatelolco (plural: Tlatelolca)
ynic peuh yaoyotl ynic polliuhque quinyacacintlahtoltique yn tlatilolca. ynic mitohua motenehua chahuapolliohuac yn tlatilolco. = Thus the war began. When the Tlatelolca were defeated, [the Tenochca] made them quack like ducks. Thus it is said and stated: In Tlatelolco there was ruin because of a concubine. (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
In ceremonies honoring Huitzilopochtli, a body of amaranth dough that represented the deity, would be broken up for consumption by the "Tlatelulca" and by the "Tenochca," along with the calpolhuehuetque (old men of the "tribal temples," in the translation of Anderson and Dibble), "to each in his order." The youths also ate it. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
auh in mexica acalchimaltica micalque monamicque tlatilolca moch tlahuiztli co[n]maq'[ui]que = Y los mexicanos combatieron con canoas escudo, se enfrentaron a los tlatelolcas, todos llevaban puestas sus insignias. (ca. 1582, Mexico City)
Auh yn ipa[n] Sant Matheo ylhuitzin yquac xacalli moquequetz in tecpa[n] quiyahuac nauhtetl no yhui tlatilolca = Y en la fiesta de San Mateo, entonces se construyeron los cuatro jacales en las afueras del palacio, así también lo hicieron los tlaltelolca. (ca. 1582, Mexico City)