sin, fault, defect (see Karttunen and Molina); vice, a wrong, something evil
yeçe ca ye catzahuatihuitze in huehue tlatlacolli, in impan quitlacatilia in innanhuan = yet they come dirtied with the ancient sin in which their mothers gave them birth
Nican ca in chicontetl temictiani tlatlacolli Xicyta xicilnamiqui catlehuatl, in oticchiuh in ypan otihuetz? Inic çe Nepoaliztli, inic ome, Teoyehuacatiliztli inic yey Tlailpaquiliztli, inic nahui Tlahuelli, in[ic] macuilli Xixicuiyotl, inic chiquaçen, Nexicolliztli, inic chicome Tlatzihuillztli? = Here are the seven mortal sins. See and remember which of them you have committed and fallen into. First, pride. Second, avarice. Third, lust. Fourth, anger. Fifth, gluttony. Sixth, envy. Seventh, laziness.
tipehuaz in huehuei in temictiani tlatlacoli, zatepan tictenehuaz in tepitoton, in azo teca otimononotz otihuetzcac oticamanalo &c. = beginning with the great and mortal sins, afterwards mentioning the small ones (perhaps you spoke ill of another or laughed at him or made jokes about him, etc.)
yntla aca tlatlacolli o ypan vetzi ma nepanotl ximotlaçotlacan ximonepanpopolhuican = If someone falls into mortal sin may you mutually love and forgive yourselves
yn cenca temamauhti tlatlacolli =a very frightful mortal sin (Central Mexico, 1552)
Cuix nixilotl nechititzayanaz. Iquac mitoa: intla aca iuiui onican oichtec, otetlaxin, anoce omomecati, anoce itla oc centlamantli tlatlaculli oquichiuh = Am I an ear of corn that they can scrape the kernels off my belly? This was said when someone was in trouble. He had committed robbery or adultery, or he seduced someone, or did something that was wrong
tlahtlacolli = misdeed, error
Burkhart finds the term imperfect for sin, because tlahtlacolli "though used for moral misdeeds, also encompassed a broad range of accidents, crimes and other breakdowns of established order. It failed to convey the sense of personal moral responsibility, with its accompanying burden of guilt, that sin bears in Christian theology."
huehuey tlatlacolli = literally old error, old damage; in the play Holy Wednesday, it was paired with pecado original
atle notlatlacol = there was no fault on my part
notlacoli notlapilchiahua = my sins and evil doing (San Pablo Tepemaxalco, Toluca Valley, 1731)
yn notlatlacol ma nechmopopolhuiliz = let (him) pardon me my sins
itlatlacol = his fault
Cuix nixilotl nechititzayanaz. Iquac mitoa: intla aca iuiui onican oichtec, otetlaxin, anoce omomecati, anoce itla oc centlamantli tlatlaculli oquichiuh = Am I an ear of corn that they can scrape the kernels off my belly? This was said when someone was in trouble. He had committed robbery or adultery, or he seduced someone, or did something that was wrong.
anozo in tlein tlatlaculli: azo tetlaximaliztli, anozo ichtequiliztli. = Or perhaps someone committed a sin, or adultery.
tiquimilpiz yn aqui vel nezi tlatlacolli quichiva teixpan tetlaxima ichtequi. patoua. tlavana. temictia momictia = que los incierres a a quel que parece que haga pecado, que sea adultero, ratero, que juegue dados, se emborrache, asesine, se suicide (Tlaxcala, 1565)
yeçe ca ye catzahuatihuitze in huehue tlatlacolli, in impan quitlacatilia in innanhuan = vienen maculados del antiguo pecado original, en que sus padres y madres los conciben
Nican ca in chicontetl temictiani tlatlacolli Xicyta xicilnamiqui catlehuatl, in oticchiuh in ypan otihuetz? Inic çe Nepoaliztli, inic ome, Teoyehuacatiliztli inic yey Tlailpaquiliztli, inic nahui Tlahuelli, in[ic] macuilli Xixicuiyotl, inic chiquaçen, Nexicolliztli, inic chicome Tlatzihuillztli? = Estos son los siete Pecados Mortales, acuerdate quantos as cometido. El primero dellos, es la Soberuia. El segundo Auaricia. El tercero Luxuria. El quarto Yra. El quinto Gula. El sexto Inuidia. El septimo Pereça.
tipehuaz in huehuei in temictiani tlatlacoli, zatepan tictenehuaz in tepitoton, in azo teca otimononotz otihuetzcac oticamanalo &c. = començando los pecados graues y mortales, dexando para la postre los leues y veniales, que son con los que vosotros siempre començays, diziendo, murmurè, reî, &c.
mochi yehuatin yn tlatlacol mochiuh = Todo fue por culpa de ellos.
(Tlaxcala, 1662–1692)
Ac iehuatl in tlatlacolli otictlati, oticpinauhcatlati = Qual es el peccado, que callaste por verguenza?
Cuix oticxixico? cuix otictlatlacolxixico aca cihuatl? = Forzaste á alguna muger
Tepiton tlatlaolli [sic], ‘quebrantamiento daño pequeño’, expression empleada para significar ‘pecado venial’. (Central Mexico, mid-s. XVI)
Temictiani tlatacolli [sic], ‘quebrantamiento asesino, para significar, ‘pecado mortal’. (centro de Mexico, s. XVI)
ynic nechmomaquixtiliz ynic nechmopopolhuiliz yn notlatlacol = para que me la salve y perdone mis pecados (Ciudad de México, 1583)