to knowingly abort a baby (see Molina)
motlatlaxiliz in nantli, mjtoa, olinjz in piltontli = the mother would abort; it was said that the baby would miscarry (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
tetlatlaxilique, tlapouhque, atlan teittanj, tlaolchaiauhque, mecatlapouhque, tetlacujcujlique, tetlanocujlanque, teixocujlanque = those who brought about abortions, who read the future, who cast auguries by looking upon water or by casting grains of corn, who read fortunes by use of knotted cords, who cured sickness by removing stones or obsidian knives from the body, who removed worms from the teeth, who removed worms from the eyes (central Mexico, sixteenth century)