uncle, brother of the father or mother
in tetla, ytech necaualoteuani, itech necahualoni, tenice, machice, mamale, naoatile = One's uncle [is] the provider for those who are orphaned, the entrusted one, the tutor, the manager, the provider of support; the one who takes charge, who directs. (central Mexico, sixteenth century)
niquipialtian ytlahuan = I make guardians her uncles (Coyoacan, 1568)
notla, notlatzin = my uncle
chacui chini tanquehue xihuiqui no tlatzin ximotlali ypan ycpalli chitao = [calendrical name] Ven, tío mío, siéntate en la silla. (Quauhtinchan, s. XVI)