a weapon, a kind of arrow (see attestations); or, a judgement (see Molina and Karttunen)
auh yn mitl yn mitohua yn tlacochtli. yn motocayotia tlatzontectli. quicuitlalpique. ypā motlallique yn atlan ynic hualpanoque = And the arrows, called tlacochtli, named tlatzontectli, they bound to their waists and rested on them as they swam across (central Mexico, early seventeenth century)
nimā ie ic contlaça in acalchimalleque in tlatzontectli in impā in Españoles: necoccampa necoc in valhuetzi in tlatzontectli = Then the war-boat people hurled barbed darts at the Spaniards; from both sides the darts fell on them
(Mexico City, sixteenth century)