citizens of the tlaxilacalli or authorities of the tlaxilacalli (plural of tlaxilacale)
Literally means holders or owners of the tlaxilacalli (calpolli unit). Ambiguous because it can mean inhabitant of the tlaxilacalli as well as tlaxilacalli authority.
Often found in the authentication of wills, sales and acts of possession, sometimes appearing with huehuetque (elders), indicating authority figures of some sort. Hence, the definition: ward heads or ward people.
The term tlaxilacaleque was translated as "mayorales" in a manuscript from San Hipólito Teocaltitlan in 1592.
tlaxillacaleque yn [tachado: quiquetzque] teuh auh yn xamitl quicouh = los adobes mercaron de los tlaxilacales o mandones del barrio (Ciudad de México, 1569)
ynic ontlatlanilozque in tlaxilacaleque yn onca Yopico = para que sepa de los tlaxilacales del barrio de Yupico (Ciudad de Mexico, 1578)
Niman tiquinnotzque yn tlaxilacaleque = Y luego hicimos parecer a los mandones del barrio [tlaxilacalleque] (Ciudad de Mexico, 1578)